Mole Removal, Baja
The surgery is done on medical advice and also for aesthetic reasons. The removal of the mole in each case carried out by plastic surgeons or dermatologists, birthmark removed and subjected to histological examination.
Mesotherapy, Baja
The current most advanced and most effective method hatóanagyagbejuttatási. Uniquely able to break through the skin barrier layer, allowing agents to access the appropriate depth, which exert their effects quickly and spectacularly. The mezoterápiánál pin prick of the needle itself starts to regenerate the skin. As a consequence, more flexible and firmer skin develops.
Dermaroller Therapy, Baja
The Dermaroller therapy is one of the latest anti-aging procedures in aesthetic dermatology. The treatment is based on the skin surface, tiny pinprick dropped to 250 per square centimeter covered with a very fine, sharp-tipped spikes roller. Due to the damage done by a small biological activators are starting to be produced, which trigger the skin's own regeneration mechanism.
Hair Loss Treatment, Baja
If a hundred a day, or even more hairs fall out, be sure to consult a professional. distinguish between two groups in relation to abnormal hair loss: reversible processes and permanent hair loss. The treatment is intended to give both kinds and eliminate the root cause.